Area 40 Sp. z o.o.

Who needs it?


Aliento is a high-tech convection converter, or a device used to increase heat output of panel radiators.

Many years of experience of our engineers have resulted in development of a device ready to use for any owner of most popular panel radiators.

Wherever the radiator heat output is insufficient, wherever the heat source has been changed (and thus the operating parameters of the heating system), costly replacement of radiators for new – usually larger – ones becomes unnecessary – this ready-made solution is now available.

Aliento, whose installation requires no tools or expertise, can improve the performance of radiators even by 50% relatively to the nominal heat output of radiators without a convection converter.

Extensive experience of our engineers and long-term tests in the field of heat transfer phenomena and fluid mechanics helped create a device optimized for maximum performance while maintaining low noise level and minimal electric energy consumption.

Aliento convection converter is designed for use with panel radiators with convection fins of any manufacturer.

Any double-panel* (type 22) or three-panel (type 33) radiator, irrespectively of the specifics of connection to the heating system (side, bottom, middle), can be equipped with the components of the Aliento system. There are no restrictions on heights and lengths of radiators.

* type 22 double-panel radiator means two panels and two convection elements. Available on the market there are also radiators described – depending on the brand – as types 12, 21 and 21s, composed of two panels and one convection element between them. For the time being, for such models application of the Aliento convection converter is not possible.